If you are using digital marketing to grow your business, you want to be paying attention to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in Sure, putting your business out on the internet is still key to driving traffic, and 82% B2B…

You may already know what paid and sponsored Ads can do for your If not, the following statistics will paint you a happy Paid advertisements have a 200% They can increase brand awareness by a whopping 80%,…

What is Conversational AI? Conversational AI combines natural language processing (NLP) with conventional AI tools like chatbots, voice assistants, or an interactive voice recognition The aim is to help customers through a spoken or typed It works in…

According to the latest study by IDC Research, 79% of people have their mobiles with them for 22 hours a Another research by Tecmark suggests that, on an average, an individual checks their phone almost 221 times each