Outbound Marketing

Outbound Marketing essentially connects your brand or service with your prospects and converts them into customers, using creative techniques to drive home the message. MetricFox has nurtured this area of expertise for 17 years now, and has grown into a group that can take on any project, anywhere in the world!

The process of outbound marketing has been around not just since the dawn of digital marketing, but also with all types of marketing. The concept of outbound marketing was used well by the newspapers and television adverts. It was a simple concept and was aimed at creating brand recall among customers. This meant that they would bombard you with messages, incessantly and regularly, so you remember the brand while making the purchase decision. It is still one of the most popular means to market-even today.

Get content that will grow your business

Amplify your presence online by letting people know, who you are and what you do

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound marketing has been the backbone of the advertising industry. From the times of the newspaper ad to the behaviour triggered marketing ads online, outbound is ever present. There are only so many ways you can approach prospects and so, outbound marketing is the best possible way to do it, without being too intrusive. Banners, radio, ads on television, cold calling, tradeshows and exhibitions are all methods to conduct outbound marketing.

The thinking process that you need to overload prospects with your messages is where an entire generation went wrong. Good messaging need not be aggressive and in the millions. Good ad copy will be noticed, no matter how less the publication. It is important to note that you need to target the right prospects. You cannot be going around pushing your luxury car in a location where the median income is low.

To absolutely nail outbound marketing, you need to pick the right platforms you are going to use to deliver these messages. These platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses and based upon your product/service you are offering. Million dollar contracts with sports celebrities may be getting a lot of visibility but do you know that every one of these brands started from scratch and worked their way up? This is what we fail to remember while thinking about outbound marketing.

Precise targeting with cut to size content and meaningful messages is what converts. Be it any sort of advertising platform you use, the content and intent of the advertisement matters more than the platform. To make things easier, today, there are digital methods of using these platforms. Banners and outdoor advertising has taken the digital route allowing users to be immersed in a strong and powerful medium.

Why do you need outbound marketing?

Because it works! Even today, with the saturation of all known points of contact, outbound marketing still works when done in the right manner. It goes without saying that the prospects have been tired with the incessant noise that has been created by brands. That doesn't mean they aren't looking for value. It is up to brands to deliver this value to the end user.

Outbound marketing when done in a neat and precise manner not only attracts prospects, it improves brand value. This is by far the best outcome from outbound marketing. Advertising stepped over from print ads to the digital medium, so did outbound marketing. When done well, it gives immense returns. If you are new to the market, want to create a brand, convey your product strengths to a new segment, there is no better way than outbound.

As with any marketing type, method is important to success. When done methodically and with scientific data backing you up, the chances of success are always high. For this, you need to be smart to create and implement ideas that work. From the creation of ad copy, to the colours you are going to use and the buyer personas you will be targeting, you need to be hands on about these processes. Research is important learn about how the markets react to certain ads, who is seeing what and how they are responding. This allows you to build up a solid strategy that can bring great returns.

Here are a few of our outbound marketing methods:

Appointment setting and cold calling

Sales teams lose a lot of time setting and following up with appointments. It is natural for most of them to be postponed or cancelled. Imagine the amount of time and resources you will save if you had someone setting them for you?

MetricFox has a full team that has been setting appointments for any global location for 13 years now. They have mastered the art of calling, confirming and making sure that the appointment gets through. The calls are placed at the right time and confirmations are accepted and worked upon so that you don't have to spend time waiting for someone who may never turn up.

Cold calling has changed over the years. The scripted conversations that would even drive Buddha insane have been replaced with organic conversations that focus on the needs of the receiver. MetricFox has been instrumental in this change. We have a cold calling team that prides itself in the least number of rejects and highest number of call backs ratio.

Advertising (radio, television, print, outdoor, POPs, etc.)

The quintessential platform for advertising has been print which was then taken over by television. Everyone recognises these mediums as the ones where they see and interact with the maximum amount of advertisements. That being said, even today, these are still multibillion dollar segments of advertising. Digital advertising has a long way to go to reach the levels of outdoor, print and televised ads.

This is because they are powerful, guided and sharp in their delivery. There are innumerable bad ads that come out daily, but then once in a while the good one pops out and take the brand all the way to the end zone. This is why advertising of the non digital kind is still popular.

Banner advertising?

Nothing connects like a banner ad. This is the truth of the industry and it is so because you tend to notice and take in a good banner ad. Be it digital or non-digital, banner ads have always been popular means of conveying brand messages to a larger audience. It is used brilliantly to advertise trade shows and exhibitions, product launches and is used best during discount season. Everyone is looking for information about the best discounts and banners are the best way to do this.

Direct Mail

The direct mail is the predecessor of the email. It still brings in value to brands. This is due to various reasons. There are many brands worldwide that send out mails to their faithful customers. Who doesn't like mail! The feeling of reading a real and well designed mailer is not the same as an email mail. The chances of an email being missed out are a lot higher than the chances of a direct mailer not being noticed or read.

Email Campaigns

If you are investing in outbound marketing, chances are email marketing will feature high on your to-do agenda. The important aspect of this is to remember that non permission based email marketing is not a good thing to indulge in today. It is essential to have permission while running email campaigns.

This is where inbound and outbound collapse over each other. Email campaigns are essential, it really doesn't matter which type of marketing you are using. For this, email campaigns need to be of high quality, delivered properly and should always provide value to the prospect.


PPC or Pay per Click is the business model of the search engine generation. Search is a highly competitive arena and PPC is one of the best and also the most expensive tool to use. When done well, you get really high quality traffic to your website through PPC. It is a dynamic ecosystem and needs you to be skilled and logical while making decisions regarding ad spends for PPC campaigns.

Tradeshows and exhibitions

The old and traditional methods still hold good in this digital age. There are many assets that still pull in the big bucks. One of them is tradeshows. Representing your brand in exhibitions and tradeshows opens up opportunities like no other. Almost everyone in attendance at these shows is interested in business. This isn't really an easy thing to come by on other platforms.

Maximize your chances of getting sales ready leads by investing in participating in tradeshows, conferences and exhibitions.

Outbound takes a lot more effort, since it’s not a digital predominant asset. A strategy is extremely important here. Our team chalks out the approach first, conducts feasibility studies and only then implements them.


Appointment Setting

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Appointment Setting

Sales teams lose a lot of time setting and following up with appointments. It is natural for most of them to be postponed or cancelled. Read More..


Cold Calling

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Cold Calling

You're either really good at it, or you totally suck at it. That is the mystery of the cold call. Read More..


Outdoor Advertising

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Outdoor Advertising

Outbound marketing relies on various types of marketing tools.Read More..


Banner Advertising

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Banner Advertising

Banners are visible everywhere, but how many do you actually notice? Read More..


Direct Mail

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Direct Mail

With the proliferation of internet and email, you may think that the direct mail has died out. Read More..


Email Marketing

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Email Marketing

Email marketing is an important part of the inbound strategy. It comes to play after the lead is generated-most times. Read More..

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