Data Management

Data is the fuel that propels a good marketing campaign. As with good fuel and bad fuel, data quality and stability massively affect marketing programs. Data decays at a steady rate, depending on the industry and also the type of service or product you sell. It is essential to not just maintain high standards when it comes to collection of data, but also with data maintenance.

Understanding how data affects your campaigns is half the battle. Installing efficient and streamlined guidelines to the type of data you collect, greatly enhances your chances. Data management includes data hygiene processes, removing bad data, updating data sets and ensuring all contacts are viable when project commencement happens.

You cannot ignore the fact that your data is one of the most important aspect of your business. The huge volume of data collated every must be maintained and managed to ensure you make the best out of it. Without a proper data management system in place your company would end up having data that is:

  • Inaccurate
  • Invalid
  • Outdated
  • Misplaced
  • Duplicate
  • Faulty

This will be simply suicidal for any business since no business can run with faulty or inaccurate data. A prerequisite for any successful database marketing campaign is a clean database of correct contact details.

At MetricFox, we help organizations manage their databases by:

  • Cleaning them up – Handling bounces, removing defunct names and emails, and the like.
  • Segmenting – We segment databases according to niches, demographics, products and the like.
  • Updating – We keep databases current by constantly checking and updating names, addresses, emails, and telephone numbers.
Improve your data quality today!

Data is power. Here’s how to harness that power meaningfully

Why us? The answer is simple. We help you to:

  • Improve your data quality
  • Validate your data with the help of data validation and data verification services
  • Clean your database at regular intervals
  • Maintain your data consistency
  • Identify your dirty data and enhance the database by updating it
  • Refresh your data with regular updates

Huge data is highly resourceful, yet it requires intricate procedures, segmentation techniques, and premeditation to be able to source out the information we desire out of it. Experienced firms dealing with huge data, the way MetricFox has been doing it for more than a decade, will assure you accurate intelligent information.

MetricFox has run marketing campaigns for close to 2 decades now, and appreciate the value of good data. Our services are designed to improve your campaign returns with better data management.

Data Quality Checks
We run periodic data quality checks by running specially created algorithms that pick out bad data, depending on the type of data you have.

Data Storage
This matters greatly, thanks to security threats and malware destroying files. We use the best and very frequently updated security programs to ensure your data remains intact and secure.

Our services include:

  • Data Hosting
  • Data Verification
  • Data Validation
  • Contact & Data Appending

Data Hosting

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Data Hosting

Hosting your valuable data on cloud with a secured access is the best way to manage your database Read More..


Data Verification

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Data Verification

The data team of MetricFox verifies data through a tedious manual and automated process Read More..


Data Validation

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Data Validation

Whether its email, telephone or social media, we validate all your contact data with 100% accuracy Read More..


Data Appending

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Data Appending

Append vital missing information to your contact database for over 18 demographic fields Read More..

We provide exceptional results for our clients.

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