Data Hosting

If you have a contact database of a certain number and want to host it on a secured cloud space, Data Hosting is the best option for you. At MetricFox we offer data hosting service to clients from different industry.

This is how we work: You have a contact database of a certain number. And we have a cloud space. We will host your data and you can have access to it anytime you want. Whats more to it is, we shall keep it updated and refreshed so that your database is up-to-date and user-friendly for any campaigns at any point of time.

What we offer:

  • Hosting your database on cloud
  • Providing access to your database at any point of time
  • Securing your database from hacking or any malware
  • Updating your database at regular intervals
  • Keeping a backup of your database so that no data is lost
  • Keeping it campaign friendly all the time
  • 24/7 support system and customer care
  • Troubleshooting team at all times
Improve your data quality today!

Data gives you a lot of power- Manage it well and it will not fail you

Data Hosting Services

Data Hosting

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Data Hosting

Hosting your valuable data on cloud with a secured access is the best way to manage your database Read More..

Data Verification Services

Data Verification

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Data Verification

The data team of MetricFox verifies data through a tedious manual and automated process Read More..

Data Validation Services

Data Validation

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Data Validation

Whether its email, telephone or social media, we validate all your contact data with 100% accuracy Read More..

Data Appending Services

Data Appending

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Data Appending

Append vital missing information to your contact database for over 18 demographic fields Read More..

We provide exceptional results for our clients.

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