Wow! What an Unsubscribe Experience

November 30th, 2012

No marketer would prefer their prospects to unsubscribe from their emails. At the same time they cannot ignore the fact that not every email list can bring 100% positive response. Say, your campaign response is 72%, and out of the remaining 28%, 10% chose to unsubscribe. Now you should not jump to a conclusion that these 10% are angry with you or don’t like your product, the reason for them to unsubscribe can be: (a) they are not interested at this point of time; (b) they are looking for something else from you; (c) they don’t doubt you as a spammer and not reporting spam just unsubscribing.

Unsubscribe Experience

As an online marketer you should not ignore the fact that whatever may be the reason for unsubscribe, you have to provide them an easy and simple way to get out of your email list. Remember easier the process, more chance is those 10% to come back. They will consider your name in future. It also stops them to click to report SPAM button.

Why a bad unsubscribe experience triggers SPAM reports?

  1. If the unsubscribe link is hidden between lines in your email, the recipients definitely will doubt and straight away will report SPAM.
  2. If the unsubscribe process is lengthy, confusing and misleading, they will doubt that you won’t let them go out. The result is a SPAM complaint.

How to make the experience better?

  1. Place the unsubscribe link at the visible place in your email. Say, at the top so that it’s visible in the preview pane itself.
  2. If the above suggestion makes you nervous then instead of writing the word ‘unsubscribe’ use something like ‘Update your preference’.
  3. Keep the process short and simple, and very quick. Put the word unsubscribe in text and not in images.
  4. You can also place the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of your email. This also is a right place; the point is it has to be visible.
  5. Put the unsubscribe link in boldface or put it in some different color and font size. This will make it distinct.
  6. Process the request immediately, within 10 working days.

A simple unsubscribe link, process, and practice opens up every possibility of your prospects to come back. Consider this unsubscribe link as building prospect and customer relationship.

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